Adult Sunday School
At New Covenant, one of the ways we grow in our relationship to Jesus is through our Adult Sunday School program. This takes place on Sunday mornings from 9:00-9:45. Our aim is to provide Christ-centered teaching that helps us better understand not only what the Bible says but also how it applies to our lives.
Current Adult Sunday School Classes
The Lord’s Prayer
Luke 11:1 tells us that one of Jesus’ disciples asked Him to teach them to pray. The teaching Jesus then gave them in response has been utilized by the church through the ages. The Lord’s Prayer (or “The Disciple's Prayer”) teaches us the emphases that should filter our prayers as followers of Jesus. In this class we will survey this guide for prayer Jesus has given for seeking the face of God. Pastor Larry Gilpin teaches this class in the John Knox Room across from the Fellowship Hall.
Who is God? What is his character, and what does he want? God reveals himself, not only in self-descriptive words, but through the description of how he acts in relation to his people. The Old Testament books of Chronicles reveal critical information on what it is that God wants from his people, and his attitudes and actions towards them. Join us as we go through the books of Chronicles and discover that they are utterly relevant to every aspect of life. This class meets in the Fellowship Hall and is taught by Cliff Etheridge.