The mission of Children’s Ministry at NCPC is to partner with parents and the NCPC covenant community in the discipleship of children to:
We desire for the children of New Covenant…
To KNOW JESUS personally through the story of God’s rescue: God’s family is called to tell the Gospel story from generation to generation. We are committed to telling God’s story of creation, fall, and redemption to our children, trusting that through this they will encounter the person of Jesus Christ, and know Him as their Savior.
To FOLLOW JESUS by knowing our place in His story: We desire that our children know their place in God’s story, and we encourage them to follow Jesus faithfully, knowing and applying His word in all areas of their lives.
To SHARE JESUS through the story of the Gospel: From a young age, we want our children to have opportunities to serve and share God’s story with others.
Children’s Ministry Opportunities
All children’s classes are located downstairs in the Children’s Wing. Feel free to park near the playground and enter in the back door.
Sunday School begins at 9:00 a.m. and Worship begins at 10:00 a.m. We would love for you to join us!
WORSHIP (10 a.m.)
Nursery for infants (age 0-12 months) Room 105
Nursery for toddlers (1-3 years) Room 104
Children’s Church (ages Pre-K – 2nd grade) Room 107
For Children’s Church, begin worship together; during the Song of Preparation, you may be dismissed to take your children downstairs to Room 107
Nursery (age 0-2) Room 105
Pre-K Class (ages 2-4) Room 101
Lower Elementary (K - 3rd grade) Room 106
Upper Elementary (4 - 6th grade) Room 111
For more information about our children’s ministry, contact our Children’s Ministry Coordinator, Rachel Rogers.
VBS | June 16-20 | 9:00 a.m. - Noon
Registration is NOW OPEN for participants (ages 4 - 5th grade) & volunteers. Sign up today!
Opportunities for Play and Fellowship
The Children’s Playground
Join us on the playground! After worship you will often find children playing and parents fellowshipping here. In the spring, come by for a playground playdate (check the events page for dates). It’s a great spot to play and get to know each other.
Expecting a baby?
If you are a member or regular attender of NCPC, we would love to come alongside you as you prepare for your new little one. Click here to let us know more about your situation.
All of our ministry to children depends on many volunteer hands. There are lots of opportunities to work directly with the children, but there is also work to be done behind the scenes, so if "kids aren't your thing" we can still find a place for you. All volunteers will go through a screening process and will need to complete a background check. There are various opportunities for training throughout the year depending on what area you are working with.
Please note: Applicants may be asked to submit references.
Please use this form to let us know of your desire to volunteer.