Women’s Ministry

The Women’s Ministry endeavors to provide programs and ministry opportunities for all women in the church to hear the gospel, pray together, study the scripture, fellowship with other women, and serve God by serving each other, our church family and our community.

Women’s Bible Studies

Babysitting is available for any study with advanced notice. Please contact Joanie Marbert for babysitting needs. Sign-up in the Narthex alcove, on the Facebook NCPC Women’s Ministry page under Bible Study announcements, or by contacting your Bible Study leader.

The Devoted Mind by Kris Lundgaard (12 weeks)

January 7, 2025 – April 15, 2025 from 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
NCPC Fellowship Hall
Pamyla Burrack, Teacher

Do you feel overwhelmed? Discontented? Weary? These are symptoms of a distracted mind — a mind fixed on passing earthly things. Guided by the rich wisdom of Puritan theologian John Owen, we will consider a countermeasure to 0ur distraction: the devoted mind. By seeking those things above, where Christ is, we can have hope in all circumstances, know contentment in any situation, and enjoy deep communion with God that makes life worth living. Deep, meditative, and compelling, “The Devoted Mind” invites us to draw nearer to Christ as he draws near to us.

Praying Women

Let us pray for you

Submit prayer requests using the online NCPC Prayer Requests Form, the telephone prayer chain by calling Pat Ball, or the NCPC Women in the Church Facebook page.

Women’s Weekly Prayer Meeting

Ladies, we are called to pray for our world, our nation, our communities, our homes and families, our brothers and sisters in Christ, and our church. If you would like to pray with other women, please join our weekly prayer time in the NCPC Parlor, Mondays from 1:00 - 2:15 pm. Childcare is provided. Please contact Joanie Marbert or Darlene Smalley if you need childcare or if you have any questions. We look forward to praying with you!

Sisters in Grace

Enjoy wonderful Christian fellowship and meaningful devotions with other NCPC women. Sisters in Grace is open to women of any age who wish to be strengthened and renewed in their walk with our Lord. Through sharing our faith journeys with one another we can grow and support each other. The Morning SIG meetings are at 9:30 a.m. on the first Wednesday of each month and the Evening SIG meetings are at 7:00 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month. Meeting details are in the weekly church bulletin. See the NCPC Daily Calendar of Events for locations.

Special Events

Throughout the year, various special events are planned both locally and by the Palmetto PresWIC Leadership Team for women of all ages to come together for fun, fellowship, and personal growth.

Servant Teams

You can volunteer to help in current church ministries like flower delivery, homebound outreach, meals for moms with new babies, those who are sick or recovering from surgery, and the bereaved. Contact Janet Powell for more information or to volunteer!

Community Ministries

Women share their love for God by volunteering with community ministries like ACTS, Christ Central, Aiken Area Council on Aging's Home Delivered Meals and Life Choices. Contact Patty Elliott for information about how you can be involved.

Expecting a baby?

If you are a member or regular attender of NCPC, we would love to come alongside you as you prepare for your new little one. Click here to let us know more about your situation.

Women's Ministry Leadership Team 2025

Tracy Borders

Vice President
Rachelle Mason

Sharon Swanson

Heather Kimball

Christian Growth
Lisa Sullivan

Ally Robinson

Sisters in Grace
Cindy Smith

Special Events
Samantha Mason

Service & Mercy
Noelle Kelly

Mallory Holley