Disaster Relief
We are trying to get a handle on needs within our congregation as well as the Aiken area. If you are a member, please contact your shepherding elder with any needs you have. If you are a visitor or a regular attender, please contact the church office by phone (803) 649-5007 or email (office@ncpcaiken.org).
We also know that there are great needs beyond the Aiken area and many of you may be looking for ways to help in those hardest-hit areas. Mission to North America (MNA) is a Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) agency that supports the mission and outreach efforts of the PCA in North America. MNA has a disaster response team. You can help by giving financially or you can serve on a volunteer team. MNA is focused on PCA churches and their immediate communities. Every dollar given to MNA’s disaster response goes to people on the ground. MNA does not make any money on donations as none of the donated money goes to overhead or salaries. MNA is sending supplies to the hardest hit areas now and will begin sending teams to those areas once search and rescue operations have concluded (soon).