Our Liturgy
Music is not the total sum of worship at NCPC, it is just a part. Still, it is an important part of our worship together. Our aim is to worship with music that is skillful, reverent and meaningful. We also aim to utilize the whole heritage of the Church’s historic worship while lovingly honoring the broad scope of stylistic preferences that are present in our local church body. This is a big aim, but we believe that the love of Jesus transcends musical preference. Each week, songs are chosen specifically to fit with the theme of the service (determined by the Biblical text that will be preached) and within the shape of the service.
When we choose a song to add to our musical repertoire, it isn't only because we like the song - we actually have seven questions that we ask to decide if a song will be used in worship:
Is It Biblical? Do the lyrics teach sound, Biblical theology? Do the lyrics communicate truth about God (who he is, what he has done)? Do the lyrics inspire confidence in the finished work of Christ?
Is It Beautiful? Could the lyrics stand alone as something beautiful? Sometimes when we remove the music from the text, we find the song no longer speaks to us.The music may be beautiful, powerful, and create an emotional response within us, but the words, left to them selves, leave something to be desired. Perhaps the lyrics are beautiful, but the music (in its dynamics, rhythm, or ethos) communicate something that conflicts with the words, and therefore distracts from the intended message.
Is It Both Reverent and Intimate? Are the words worthy of the King of the universe? Are the words also appropriate for a beloved Father? We believe in a God who is both transcendent and immanent, so we don't want our songs to present him as exclusively one or the other.
Is It Accessible? Are the lyrics written in coherent thoughts? If your third grade grammar teacher would take a red pen to it, it shouldn't be used in worship. Also, are the lyrics understandable, or easily explained? Is the melody easily learned, and singable (not too high, too low, too rhythmically complex)? When we gather together to worship, it isn't a concert. We want everyone to be able to sing, so, our songs need to be singable.
Is It Emotional? Do the lyrics appeal to the whole person (intellectually and emotionally)? Do the lyrics communicate truth in such a way that demands a response? We believe that songs should teach good theology, and help us see that good theology leads to doxology and greater obedience. We want to sing songs that address every human emotion: Sadness and Anger (over sin and the brokenness of the world), and Joy and Gratitude (because of the goodness of God and the Gospel).
Is It Liturgical? In a liturgy that is reformed according to Scripture, the people of God should worship in a variety of ways such as in praise and adoration of God's work and character; lament over sin and the brokenness of the world; repentance unto new obedience; thanksgiving, in response to the gifts and grace of God; confessions of faith; prayers and petition; response to the Word in obedience to the commands of God; and in celebration of the sacraments. It is entirely appropriate that we should express our worship in all of these ways through song.
As a part of our music program we have several ways in which people serve in our Sunday services.
Our Adult Choir helps lead worship through congregational singing and anthems on Sunday mornings. The choir is accompanied by piano and/or the the Worship Team musicians. We have a special choir program at Christmas and Easter. We emphasize finding the joy of praising God in the music. If you would like to use your gift of music to sing in the choir, join us on Wednesday nights for rehearsal. For more information on the Adult Choir, contact Tony Waters.
Our Worship Team is a group of musicians and singers that also help lead in our congregational singing each week. If you would like more information on the Worship Team, contact Randa Berry.
Another part of our music program is our Audio-Visual (AV) Team. The AV team helps manage the mixing of our PA system as well as manage the visual aids we use during our service (announcements, song lyrics, etc.). This team is also responsible for the recording of the sermons each week. If you would like more information on the AV Team, please contact Lynne Weldon.