New Here?

Common Questions
When is your worship service?
Sunday worship begins at 10:00 am.
What are your worship services like?
Our services last about an hour and fifteen minutes. They typically include Scripture readings, confessions of our faith, singing of traditional as well as more recent songs (with a variety of instrumental accompaniment), confession of our sin, a variety of prayers, and the preaching of God’s word. Our pastors generally preach through books of the Bible a section at a time. We celebrate the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper in the service on the second Sunday of each month and administer the sacrament of baptism on occasion as well.
Is there a nursery available?
Yes. The nursery for infants-age 3 is in Room 105 downstairs during Sunday School and Worship. Nursing moms may use Room 103 downstairs. A Cry Room is available in the back of the Sanctuary during the worship service. Children are welcome to stay with their parents.
In addition, Children’s Church is available for children from age 4 through 2nd grade during the sermon downstairs in room 107. Those going to children’s church can so during the song of preparation just prior to the sermon.
How do people dress?
You’ll see a variety, from jeans to a coat and tie and in between. Please feel the freedom to come as you are!
Is there Sunday School?
Yes. Children’s, Youth, and Adult Sunday School classes meet from 9:00-9:45 am
Our Location
New Covenant Presbyterian PCA
526 Hitchcock Parkway • Aiken, SC 29801